Mob Journal

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Nessuna Nuova, Buona Nuova

No news is good news

1. What driving force motivates you as an artist and keeps you going?

It's hard to stay motivated as an artist in a visual field BUT having a support system of amazing creatives and having open and honest conversations about life and ideas always sparks my brain in fun ways. I love learning about new people and discovering their passions is far more inspiring than any Pinterest board I could find.

2. Collaboration can be important for artists. Tell us about your team and how they contribute to your work.

Aurelia and I are a match made for visual freedom. She is not only an amazing model and muse BUT works as a wardrobe designer in the film industry. Any concept or idea I’ve ever sent her is met with an beautiful excitement, as well as an abundance of outfit choices. She always has multiple options and ideas on how to style our shoots, then continues to look amazing in all of them. It blows me away every damn time.

3. Can you tell us about your creative process, from the initial idea to the final result?

Honestly most of my creative work happens at my favourite coffee shop. I have a back corner where my headphones can set my vibe and start doodling ideas in my brain. Personally, I need to leave the house and set up a “workspace” that's out of the comfort of home so I can treat it like a job and get some good work in. The fact their breakfast burritos are also BOMB is just a cherry on top. Not every day gets the same ideas out but its not about how much you write or do. Its the fact you’re putting the time in to pen to paper that makes you a professional. The hard part is starting but every thousand step journey starts at one.

4. What challenges have you faced in your career so far, and how have you overcome them?

The biggest challenge so far has been staying motivated in a field where you’re not guaranteed anything. Work comes and goes so freely that the stress of not being busy, and not being able to pay rent, not being able to go out and do anything with friends really weighs heavy when times are slow. The only way to get out of this though is just to talk to people you love. Everyone goes through this and if you can reach out and connect with others, it’ll do more for your mental than playing more COD will. As a creative, it’s important to be vulnerable and sensitive and connect with that side of yourself. No matter how scary it seems at times, you're awesome. Your feelings are awesome. Make some cool s**t that makes you happy.

5. What led you to choose Mob, and what are your career aspirations in this field?

I love the expression and vibe you guys give! From the different magazine spreads to how your Instagram is put together. You guys give beautifully weird creativity a voice and I hope to dive into that more and more with y’all. I just wanna make cool stuff with cooler people. If there's a way to make money shooting weird stuff with friends, I’m in heaven. Thank you guys so much for listening to my somewhat sensible thoughts and hope something sparks you to shoot today.